Iowans for reproductive freedom

Our reproductive freedom is under attack, but we are the majority of Iowans who support safe, legal abortion, and we are fighting back! Will you join us?BREAKING: The Iowa Supreme Court ruled on June 28 to reinstate Gov. Reynolds’ near-total abortion ban. The ban is set to go into effect on Monday, July 29. Abortion is still legal in Iowa, but timing is very important. Abortion is now only legal up until cardiac activity is detected. This is usually around six weeks into pregnancy but could be earlier or later.This ban is intentionally confusing, but Planned Parenthood North Central States is here to help. If you think you may need an abortion, call 1-800-230-7526 right away to learn about your options and get connected with the care you need.We will always advocate for reproductive freedom for every Iowan, and hope you will join us!


A growing majority of Iowans support safe, legal abortion, and yet extreme politicians are obsessed with banning abortion and decimating sexual and reproductive health care. We must show up, time and time again, to make clear to our elected officials that Iowans support abortion access, and we will fight like hell to make abortion legal in our state. Our movement is growing, and we need every Iowan we can get to join the fight for reproductive freedom.

The only way we are going to protect abortion is at the ballot box. There is no other path. Iowans need to hold their elected officials accountable every step of the way as they work to take away our control over our bodies and futures.Republicans have been chomping at the bit to ban abortion. In the 2023 legislative session, 22 Iowa House Republicans—about one-third of House Republicans—introduced a total abortion ban. They also pursued a medication abortion ban, which would make almost 80 percent of abortions in Iowa illegal.

For all past and future legislative sessions, we need to hold our elected officials accountable for every vote they take that erodes our reproductive freedom and access to health care.

How else can I help?

Write a letter to the editor (LTE). LTE’s are short responses to either articles or what is happening in your community, about 150-175 words total. Strong letters are clear, focused, and personal when possible! You can submit your letter to one outlet at a time – your local community newspaper is often your best bet, and a great way to show YOUR community what you believe and value.Show support for abortion access on social media.We must mobilize every Iowan in support for reproductive freedom and urge them to join the fight to keep abortion safe and legal in our state. You can build our power by speaking up on social media and connecting your friends and family to our movement.Connect with other advocates in your community.


Regardless of what anti-abortion politicians or judges think, we know abortion is essential health care and if you or someone you know needs access to this care, consider these resources:

Iowans for reproductive freedom

Abortion is still legal in Iowa. Will you join the fight to keep it that way?On July 17, 2023, a Polk County Judge issued a temporary injunction, preventing Governor Reynolds' near-total abortion ban from taking effect.We will always advocate for reproductive freedom for every Iowan, and hope you will join us!


Auditor Rob Sand criticizes AG Brenna Bird’s decision to pause emergency contraception payments

March 27, 2024

"Iowa Auditor Rob Sand said at a news conference Wednesday that Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird is 'avoiding accountability' for pausing payments for emergency contraceptives and other services for sexual assault victims by characterizing the reason as an audit."

Iowa attorney general continuing with audit over services for sexual assault victims

March 27, 2024

"Planned Parenthood Advocates of Iowa said in a statement that the audit is being used to justify the termination of payments.'It’s absolutely deplorable that sexual assault survivors in Iowa have gone more than a year without state-covered emergency contraceptives — all because of politics,' said Mazie Stilwell, director of public affairs."

Iowa Supreme Court will rule on state's 6-week abortion ban. What are the main arguments?

February 26, 2024

"For the third time in three years, the Iowa Supreme Court is preparing to decide whether and how the Iowa Constitution protects the right to get an abortion."

Reproductive rights network mobilizes over 10,000 Iowans in almost every county

February 23, 2024

"The ACLU of Iowa has signed more than 10,000 volunteers across each legislative district to its Reproductive Freedom Action Team. The organization says they started this initiative in response to politicians threatening reproductive freedom in Iowa."

Taking a look at the recently approved physician guidelines for Iowa's blocked six-week abortion ban

February 23, 2024

"Under the newly approved guidelines, physicians still have to gather information to determine whether a pregnancy is the result of incest or rape. The previous wording of the document made it so this information had to come from the patient who is seeking the abortion."

Iowa's Abortion Providers Now Have Some Guidance for the Paused 6-Week Ban, if It Is Upheld

February 15, 2024

"While the board’s language outlines how physicians are to follow the law, the specifics on enforcement are more limited. The rules do not outline how the board would determine noncompliance or what the appropriate disciplinary action might be. Also missing are specific guidelines for how badly a pregnant woman’s health must decline before their life is sufficiently endangered to provide physicians protection from discipline."

Iowa Board of Medicine hears public comment on proposed 6-week abortion ban

January 5, 2024

"'Obstetrician-gynecologists are already rare in Iowa, and we are one of the states with the least number of obstetrician-gynecologists per capita for our patients,' she (Dr. Emily Boever) said. 'I do anticipate that adopting rules like these will make that situation even harder.'"

Iowa doctors urge clarity on new abortion restrictions to prevent healthcare crisis

January 4, 2024

"Eastern Iowa doctors are urging a state panel, which would govern Iowa’s new abortion restrictions if they take effect, to make the rules clear enough so that physicians don’t have to fear prosecution."

Doctors say new abortion rules might limit women’s access to health care

January 4, 2024

"New proposed rules for Iowa doctors who perform abortions might further reduce the state’s number of women’s health care providers — which is already the lowest per-capita in the country — according to several doctors."

After nearly a year, still no word if Iowa AG will cover rape victim medication

December 3, 2023

"Nearly a year after pausing payments as part of an audit of victim services administered through the Iowa Attorney General’s Office, state funding for emergency contraception for victims of sexual assault and rape remains in limbo."

Explainer: Why Iowans (likely) will be blocked from voting directly on abortion rights

November 20, 2023

"However, Iowa is not one of the 18 states that allows voters to petition to change the constitution."

Ron DeSantis, Kim Reynolds vow to restrict abortion despite ballot losses in other states

November 19, 2023

"Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis pledged to continue their efforts to restrict abortion, regardless of recent elections that revealed a groundswell of support for abortion rights even in Republican-led states."

A close look at Iowa's very political—not medical—proposed abortion rule

November 19, 2023

"One thing is clear: despite repeated references to 'standard medical practice' in the document the Iowa Board of Medicine considered on November 17, the proposed abortion rules bear little resemblance to how physicians actually care for patients seeking an abortion."

Board of Medicine advances rules for Iowa abortion providers if 'fetal heartbeat' law takes effect

November 17, 2023

"Doctors who spoke during the public comment portion of Friday’s meeting said they are concerned that the rules would require them to serve as sexual assault investigators, and make it very difficult for them to provide abortions under the exceptions in the law for rape, incest, and fetal abnormalities incompatible with life."

Proposed rules lack specific penalties doctors could incur for performing an abortion in Iowa

November 15, 2023

"The proposed rules, however, leave unanswered key questions as to whether doctors could face fines or licensing repercussions for performing abortions illegally."

Iowa's board to vote on "fetal heartbeat" rules

November 15, 2023

"While the law remains blocked, the rules could determine how the legislation works should or when it takes effect."

Reproductive health care in Iowa ‘not going anywhere’

November 13, 2023

"While the abortion landscape across the country has changed dramatically since the overturn of Roe v Wade, Francine Thompson is confident abortion care isn’t going anywhere."

Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds opposes abortion — and she has final say on whether Medicaid pays for it

November 12, 2023

"Any Iowa hospital or clinic seeking Medicaid payment for providing an abortion would need approval from the state’s most prominent abortion opponent: Gov. Kim Reynolds.No one bothers to try."

Iowa Again Fails to Find Administrator for Crisis Pregnancy Centers

November 9, 2023

Iowa Attorney General files appeal to uphold state’s abortion law

November 8, 2023

"Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird on Wednesday filed an appeal to uphold the state’s Heartbeat Law in the Iowa Supreme Court. The Iowa Supreme Court has agreed to hear the appeal."

Iowa attorney general files state’s argument for six-week abortion law

November 8, 2023

"'Today’s legal filing and statements from the governor and attorney general show once again how extreme, anti-choice politicians are out of touch with the will of Iowa voters,' state Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott, D-West Des Moines, said in a news release."

Iowa enters argument in six-week abortion ban state Supreme Court case

November 8, 2023

"Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird filed an appeal to the state Supreme Court on Wednesday, asking the court to reinstate the abortion ban that Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds signed into law in July."

Iowa fails — again — to find administrator for network of contentious anti-abortion centers

November 8, 2023

"The Iowa Department of Health and Human Services has failed again to identify anyone that can manage the state's "More Options for Maternal Support" or MOMS program, a Gov. Kim Reynolds-backed proposal to provide state dollars to fund anti-abortion centers."

Republican Women, Fearing Backlash on Abortion, Pivot to Birth Control

August 30, 2023

"A group of politically vulnerable G.O.P. women has backed legislation that purports to expand birth control access but would have little effect. Critics say the bill is meant to distract from their anti-abortion stances."

Doctors Say Iowa Abortion Ban Could Worsen OB-GYN Shortage

August 29, 2023

"Iowa doesn’t have enough maternal health care specialists, and that long-standing problem could get worse if the recently passed six-week abortion ban goes into effect."

Telemedicine abortions are on the rise in Iowa

August 29, 2023

"Why it matters: A recent federal appeals court ruling limiting access to the abortion pill mifepristone may pave the way for a Supreme Court debate that puts the future of telehealth abortions at risk."

More than 160 Plan B reimbursement requests for rape victims are pending at the AG's office

August 22, 2023

"Critics have called for Bird to reinstate the policy, saying rape victims should never have to be concerned about the cost of medical care."

Iowa Doctors: Exceptions In Abortion Ban Don’t Protect Mothers

August 14, 2023

"Across the country, abortion bans—even those with life-of-the-mother exceptions—have led many doctors and hospitals to wait until the last minute to provide abortion care because the woman’s death wasn’t close enough and they tried to avoid breaking the law."

Iowa has a shortage of OB-GYN doctors. The new abortion ban could make that worse.

August 10, 2023

"The stricter law creates new roadblocks for Iowa's sole obstetrics and gynecology residency program to train aspiring doctors, which in turn could make it harder for the program to recruit trainees."

Iowa AG Brenna Bird said she doesn’t intend to resume coverage of emergency contraception for rape victims

July 31, 2023

"In April, when Bird’s order was first reported by Iowa Public Radio, a spokesperson for her office characterized it as just a delay in payment during an audit of all victim services provided by the attorney general’s office... The audit is still not complete, but unsurprisingly, Bird appears to have already decided to not restart payments."

Reynolds appeals injunction that blocks abortion restrictions from being enforced

July 21, 2023

"As promised, Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds has appealed a judge’s decision that blocks the state from enforcing a new law that seeks to ban almost all abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy."

Iowa governor plans to appeal block on restrictive abortion law

July 18, 2023

"Iowa Gov. Kim Reynolds said on Tuesday that plans are in progress to appeal a temporary block on the state’s new, restrictive abortion law, previewing a likely emotional court battle that could take months to resolve."

Iowa has passed a 6-week abortion ban. What options do women have in neighboring states?

July 13, 2023

"The fallout of the Dobbs v. Jackson decision overturning Roe has created a patchwork of different abortion laws in states across the country. While some states, including Iowa, enacted strict limits on the procedure, others placed legal protections around abortion rights to preserve patient access. As a result, abortion providers in the region say they've seen more patients traveling from out of state to obtain the procedure."

Abortion providers, ACLU sue to block Iowa's new 6-week 'fetal heartbeat' abortion ban

July 12, 2023

"'If this abortion ban goes into effect, it will place an unacceptable burden on patients’ ability to access essential abortion care, especially those who already face systemic inequities,' Planned Parenthood North Central States President Ruth Richardson said in a statement."

Iowa Republicans pass a new 6-week abortion ban

July 11, 2023

"Iowa Republicans passed a bill late Tuesday to ban most abortions after six weeks — a restrictive measure that would quickly remake the reproductive rights legal landscape in a key early voting state."

Here’s what to expect during Iowa’s abortion special session

July 7, 2023

"Iowa lawmakers will meet Tuesday in a special session to consider a bill to severely restrict abortion, making another attempt to enact a law that was blocked by courts in 2018 and remained so after an Iowa Supreme Court decision last month."

What’s In The Iowa GOP’s New Abortion Ban Bill?

July 7, 2023

"Republicans in the Iowa Legislature have dropped their new six-week abortion ban, which will be heard during the special legislative session starting Tuesday, July 11... Very few people know they’re pregnant at this point."


To achieve a future where reproductive freedom is available to everyone, we’re working together across organizations and communities to build power. It’s going to take all of us in this fight to bring about change, but make no mistake, we can do it. Here are some of the organizations across the state fighting for a future where everyone can make decisions about their own bodies.
Join the movement and learn more about the organizations in the fight at their website: